Check the Chalkboard frequently so you can stay in the loop with our studio updates, special offers, events, press write ups and more!
Happy Hong Konger: The 5 Best Pilates Studios In Hong Kong
10 11月 2022You heard it from them, it's time to try our classes at H-Kore Quarry Bay! Get yourself a Trial Pack of "The Studio by H-Kore" offering a variety of YogaKore Series, CircuitKore Series, Kore Focus, BarreKore and more. As well as for our MegaKore Trial Pack for our signature workout based on the Lagree Fitness Method.
20:30 challenge starts 1st of November
21 10月 2022Your favourite challenge is starting on 1st of November! Get ready to strengthen, stretch and sweat with all your H-Kore buddies!
H-Kore Teacher training with Vanessa. Admissions are now open!
30 9月 2022Interested in getting a deep understanding of the H-Kore method? Join this teacher training and become familiar with all the ins and outs of our MegaKore classes. Learn all the principles behind the method, the machine and the workout and develop teaching skills.
30 9月 2022Human spines are meant to move, bend and twist in multiple planes of motion outside the usual sitting, standing, or lying down positions. On key spinal movement which is often neglected is spinal extension or back bending. Practicing backbends is a great way to promote spinal mobility, create back strength and flexibility and open the front body.
We are hiring!
17 8月 2022Join our fun enthusiastic team! We are currently looking to hire for two roles: Business Development & Community manager and Full Time Front-Desk
Bring a Buddy for FREE to Central and Quarry Bay this July!
23 6月 2022Bring a friend who's never been to H-Kore for FREE!
THE SPINE: spinal mobility, movement, magic with Clare
22 6月 2022This is an introductory workshop to better understand the spine for better movement and long term health. This workshop’s content is based on Clare's extensive knowledge and experience in Pilates, Yoga, Dance, Strength and Mobility work.