10 5月 2020 | 活动

Saturday, 23 May & 6 June

This 2-part workshop is the perfect progression once you’ve completed L1 and L2. You’ve perfected your skills on single kettlebells and you’re looking to progress, but not sure where to go.

In this workshop, we will be looking at how you can move all your single kettlebell skills into double kettlebell work, from the swing and clean to the Turkish get-up.

Double kettlebell training has many benefits from increased loading potential to addressing movement asymmetries, along with general strength and endurance gains.

We will also be looking at how to program your kettlebell workouts, so you can take to the gym equipped with the knowledge to put together the right exercises to give you the workout you’re looking for.

Along with 4 hours of workshop time, you also get 4 weeks of online coaching with Eleanor.

This will entail a weekly touch-base email where you can send her your programming ideas, videos of your technique, or any questions so she can help you continue to develop your skills.

This will be a practical hands-on workshop so be prepared to sweat!

CLASS 1: Double Kettlebell Training

Date and time: Saturday, 23 May 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Venue: H-Kore Quarry Bay

In week one we will be taking a brief overview of the fundamentals we learned in L1 and L2, refreshing our mind back to the key movements and our more skilled techniques.

We will then begin to explore working with double kettlebells, starting off with the basic movements like the deadlift and swing, before moving into our more technical movements such as the clean, snatch and Turkish get-up.

Double kettlebell training is a whole new demand on the mind and body. Once you move to double kettlebell training, you can’t cheat by catching bad cleans or snatches.

Week one will be a very hands-on workshop, learning, observing and understanding the movements by doing them, so be prepared to sweat.

CLASS 2: Programming and Training Variables

Date and time: Saturday, 6 June 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Venue: H-Kore Quarry Bay

In week two we will take a brief look at double kettlebell training variables that we can add to our double kettlebell movements.

This could include mixed grip, unilateral holds, before moving into compound moves by adding squats and lunges.

We have the moves, so now it’s time to build on your knowledge and get you ready to program your workouts. Bulletproof you to have the confidence to step into any gym, grab your kettlebells and train.

We will have a short overview of L2 kettlebell flows vs complexes.

We then move into the most important part -- owning your workout by understanding the key building blocks to programme your own kettlebell workout!


Includes 2 classes and 4 weeks of online coaching

Regular price: $2200


Kettlebell Warriors Workshop Level 3 is taught at an advanced level and completion of Levels 1 & 2 are a prerequisite of joining the Level 3 course.

Those, who have strong kettlebell knowledge and experience, but have not participated in Level 1 & 2 are advised to contact us here.

About the trainer:

Eleanor has been passionate about fitness her whole life and has many years of teaching experience under her belt. If she’s not out running the trails, you can catch her at the studio either on the Megaformer or with a kettlebell in hand.

She teaches H-Kore’s KettleKore class which combines the best of the Megaformer and the Kettlebells.

Eleanor is a certified NASM CPT, TRX Suspension Trainer Specialist, Kettlebell Level 1 Coach and Level 2 Kettlebell Lifting Specialist.

*Please note, there are no refunds within 7 days of the course start date.


We can’t wait to strengthen, stretch and sweat with you! The first step is to create your account, once you’ve registered just purchase your trial pack, book your class and get ready to enjoy Hong Kong’s most talked about workout!


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