15 9月 2020 | 活动


Saturday, 24 October from 2:00pm - 3:30pm at H-Kore, Quarry Bay.

This workshop is ideal for those who want to create a strong and solid foundation of Lagree fitness and for those who want to bring their workout to the next level by building an intelligent and strong practice on the Megaformer.

What information will be covered?

The workshop with be divided into 3 different parts:

  • Theory of Lagree Fitness; the backbone of our MegaKore classes. The mission and its pillars.
  • Understanding the Megaformer
  • Theory and Practice: Immediate integration of the principles and Lagree moves live.

What will be the take away?

  • A strong foundation on the Lagree Fitness Moves
  • Stability, intelligence and body coordination on the Megaformer
  • Breathing improvement
  • Alignment and postural techniques for the machine and the day to day living
  • Confidence & reinforcement to work out with a positive mindset
  • General knowledge, insights and learnings that can be integrated right from the start producing faster improvements and good technical habits for more effective results.

What are the benefits?

This workshop will enable you to absorb key principles and provide insights on how to maximise the effectiveness of the workouts on the Megaformer. You will develop greater body awareness and feel encouraged to grow stronger physically and mentally. Building right from the foundation up.


Expect to learn how to effectively and efficiently use the Megaformer to maximise your training. You will explore theory and put it into action. Expect to sweat!

Introduction - 15 minutes: Theory

  • What is Lagree Fitness
  • Mission & Aim of the workouts
  • The 3 pillars: Tempo, Time under tension and Anchoring.
  • Machine Explanation: The importance of having the body on the right place.

Body - 1 hour: Theory & Integration

Around the world on the Megaformer exploring techniques and alignment principles of:

  • Signature core exercises
  • Signature arm exercises
  • Signature leg exercises

Closing - 15 minute: Summary of main points, sharing & time for Q&A


MegaKore Foundation Workshop:

Saturday, 24 October from 2:00pm - 3:30pm at H-Kore, Quarry Bay.

BUY NOW: $600

*Please note, there are no account refunds within 7 days of the course start date. If you need to cancel and provide more than 7 days notice a credit will be added to your account and can be used on another service. No refunds will be made

about the trainer:

Steffi was a TV & Radio host in national Media in Europe. She is now a NLP Life, Motivational and Emotional Intelligence Coach certified by Global NLP Miami; and a Yoga teacher 700+ RYT. She is focused on mindfulness and using its potential to cultivate and strengthen a positive mindset. In Lagree her motto is “If the mind evolves, the body transforms”.Join her for this interactive and educational workshop to discover the basic principles of Lagree Fitness and the Megaformer.


We can’t wait to strengthen, stretch and sweat with you! The first step is to create your account, once you’ve registered just purchase your trial pack, book your class and get ready to enjoy Hong Kong’s most talked about workout!


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