01 7月 2018 | 博客

Hands up who wants abs like Olivia? :)

You've probably seen her in the Studio, maybe even confused her for a trainer, but for those who haven't met her, we are delighted to introduce you to our Client in the Spotlight, Olivia!

Olivia joined our Hard-Kore Fam early last year, she fell madly in love with Lagree Fitness and immediately signed up to one of our Monthly Unlimited Contracts. We were then lucky enough to see her (almost) every morning, which meant she successfully completed her own 20:30 Challenge each month! 😂 The prize for her.... well look at those abs!

To reward her incredible dedication, we invited her in for a photoshoot, and as you can see, the photos are INSANE!!

Read a little more about her H-Kore journey below!

Can you remember your first class? How did you feel during and after?

Wow, yes definitely. I learnt very quickly about every muscle in my body – muscles I never knew existed. My glutes and abs were on fire during and afterwards. I could barely walk up the stairs for a few days. It’s a good kind of pain though!!!

How is H-Kore different to other group classes you’ve done?

I’ve tried a lot of group classes before, but this is by far the BEST group workout, guaranteed. There is a motivating energy in the room that helps me push through when I feel like I cant go any lower or pulse any more.

What is your favourite move and what is your least favourite?

Hmmm… that’s a tough one. I love using the back of the machine for an extra bite OR challenging myself with no springs.

Favourite: Single Arm French Twist; Snake; Reverse Wheelbarrow; Plank to Pike; J-Lo Lunge; Curtsy Lunge.

Least Favourite: When the trainers say ONLY 4 reps to go!!! Oh, and Scrambled Legs - especially the reverse.

If you could invite any 3 people to try an H-Kore class, who would you pick?

I’d definitely invite my sister, dad and partner so they can experience the satisfying burn.

What would you say to people who think H-Kore is just for women?

Everyone should try it before making that assumption. The exercises are in no way specific to women – a high intensity, low impact workout that targets EVERY muscle will benefit both men and woman.

Do you agree with those who say H-Kore never gets easier?

Yes, definitely! You just keep adjusting the exercises and the intensity to find new ways of challenging yourself – no springs and back of the machine is a killer!!

What advice would you give to H-Kore newbies?

The burn and the pain is totally worth it. Every muscle gets an intense workout, I’ve never felt more satisfied than after EVERY H-Kore class. Just keep pushing through the first few classes!!!

What physical changes have you noticed since joining H-Kore?

H-Kore has had a powerful effect on both my mind and body, it has given me so much more energy, I am 100% stronger, much more toned - all of which helped to improve my posture.


We can’t wait to strengthen, stretch and sweat with you! The first step is to create your account, once you’ve registered just purchase your trial pack, book your class and get ready to enjoy Hong Kong’s most talked about workout!


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