02 7月 2019 | 博客

You've been to her classes, worked out alongside her, but how well do you know H-Kore Trainer, Eleanor? Do you know which exercises make her squirm, or how she motivates herself on lazy days? Find out what she has to say below.

What is your favourite Lagree exercise?

Single Arm French Twist, I love the challenge and extension through the entire move, it requires stability in the upper body and strength in obliques, it's my go to for that oblique burn!

What is your favourite Lagree exercise to teach?

Catfish & Mega Catfish! To target the abdominals, the movement is small, but the work comes from maintaining the table top position through the back, a slight bend of the knees to draw the carriage in and a slight extension of the legs to push the carriage out.

Do you have any tips for someone struggling with Catfish / Mega Catfish?

The key here is to not let the hips drop, think balancing a glass of water on your back.

What is your least favourite Lagree exercise?

It's a toss up between Snake (screaming obliques) or Curtsy Lunge (screaming booty) AGHH! 😱

What do you get up to when you’re not teaching?

I love spending time out on the trails, as an avid trail runner I take every opportunity to lace up my trainers and get out on the trails, my favorite time is just before Hong Kong wakes up, 5am start to catch the sunrise and home in time for breakfast.

How do you motivate yourself when you don’t feel like training?

A 1 hour workout is just 4% of your day, no excuses, make it happen, you know you’ll always feel better after.

What are your guilty pleasures?

Chocolate, I have to have a little bit everyday!

Catch Eleanor on the Schedule this week! You can also book in a Personal Training session with Eleanor. Choose from KettleKore, MegaKore and CircuitKore.

Fitness is important for human physical function and day to day life. Exercise not only increases your life span, but it makes you feel and function better. Don't skip your training today!




We can’t wait to strengthen, stretch and sweat with you! The first step is to create your account, once you’ve registered just purchase your trial pack, book your class and get ready to enjoy Hong Kong’s most talked about workout!


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