22 Apr 2022 |

Interested in getting a deep understanding of the H-Kore method? Join this teacher training and become familiar with all the ins and outs of our MegaKore classes. Learn all the principles behind the method, the machine, and the workout and develop teaching skills

Participants of the program, who are interested in becoming an H-Kore Trainer, will be invited for a class audition upon successfully completing both modules.


This training is a 50hr program divided into two modules. Attendees can choose to do one or two modules. You must have completed module 1 to attend module 2.

In this program you will:

  • Learn the fundamentals and basic principles of the method.
  • Learn all the exercises of the main Core, Upper Body, and Lower body Series. Learn how to perform them to their truest form with modifications, progressions, and regressions.
  • Learn how to create and structure a well-rounded full-body routine.
  • Learn how to teach a MegaKore class.
  • Find your H-Kore Teaching Voice.

For who:

  • For those, who are interested in deepening their knowledge and enhancing their training on the Megaformer
  • For those, who want to learn how to create their own workout routines for self-training
  • For those who wish to develop their teaching skills

Program breakdown:

Module 1: 30 hrs of theory and practice

Module 2:

    • 15 hrs of class observation;
    • 2.5 hrs teaching experience (3 classes);
    • 2.5 hrs one on one mentorship(Observation, feedback, questions and review based on the 3 classes you teach).



    • In-depth study of the method. Understanding the fundamental and basic principles that make our classes so unique.
    • In-depth exploration and understanding of the Megaformer.


    • Functional anatomy corresponded to the 3 exercise series. Learn about the key muscles, movers, and stabilizers.
    • Understanding anatomy of body movement and body stability
    • An in-depth look at different anatomical positions, exploration of the alignment needs of each for maximized body form.


    • Breakdown of exercise series: Core, Upper Body, Lower Body.
    • Key modifications: progressions and regressions for all moves.
    • Learn how to cue the exercises and moves.

    Whether you are training to become a teacher or just to advance your personal practice learning the steps and communications skills to teach a movement will allow you to dive deeper and stronger into your workout.

    • Learn how to create routines and structure group classes.

    - Key principles of routines

    - Pairing exercises together for maximum efficiency

    - What is considered a block

    - How to pair blocks together


    Module 1

    • May 20th Friday, 2pm- 7pm
    • May 21st Saturday, 2pm- 7pm
    • May 22nd Sunday, 9am- 2pm
    • May 27th Friday, 2pm- 7pm
    • May 28th Saturday, 2pm- 7pm
    • May 29th Sunday, 9am- 2pm

    All sessions will be held at Quarry Bay Studio

    Module 2

    Self-driven depending on individual’s and studio’s availability.

    About the Faculty:

    Vanessa Valenzuela is a H-Kore’s Co-Founder and Master Trainer.

    Vanessa is a passionate leader and trainer. With her deep knowledge of the Lagree Fitness Method, anatomy, and multiple teaching techniques she has been continuously educating H-Kore trainers for almost a decade.


    • Interested students must have completed at least 20 MegaKore classes prior to joining.
    • Have a coachable attitude
    • Be fully committed and understand that 100% full attendance is required


    • Full program: $9,500
    • Module 1: $7,500

    Early bird discount until May 1st:

    • Full Program: $7,900
    • Module 1: $6,250

    Refund/ Cancelation: No refund or credit will be given for cancellations starting May 16th 2022.

    How to Apply:

    Please submit your interest by sending us an email to management@h-kore.com.


    We can’t wait to strengthen, stretch and sweat with you! The first step is to create your account, once you’ve registered just purchase your trial pack, book your class and get ready to enjoy Hong Kong’s most talked about workout!


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