MEET Tryphena..
Tell us a little about yourself
I was born & raised in Singapore & went to school in the United States. I have lived in Singapore, Hawaii, Chicago, New York City & now Hong Kong. I used to work for the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company in New York City before I became a Yoga Teacher.
What first drew you to a yoga class?
I was bored with my office job after working for years with the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. I went to yoga because I was working out at a gym & did yoga at lunch time because I wanted to do something with my time.
What has your yoga practice given you that you weren’t expecting?
What started out as just a thing I did at lunch time became my entire life. I don’t think yoga is just something that i do on the yoga mat, but yoga is in everything that I do- in the way I think, speak, communicate with myself & others. It has helped me to be more aware & conscious of others around me. It has also helped healed my relationships with my parents & helped me connect to spirituality, to God.
Tell us a little about your yoga classes and what students can expect.
I like to teach a well-rounded & grounded practice & I do not play music in my classes because that was how I was taught by my teachers. i like that because the practice is probably the only place where we are not bombarded by external noise.
How do you motivate yourself on days when you don’t feel like practicing or training?
hmm.. my internal dialogue is always - you don’t have to do too much or work too hard, you don’t have to jump or be fast, you can always walk. & I know that once I start walking, I will always end up running.
Do you remember your first class on the megaformer?
YES! My first Megaformer class was at New York City. I remember that it was so hard, but I LOVED it so much!!!
How has your yoga practice helped your training on the megaformer?
My practice has definitely helped me move with more awareness on the megaformer & it has also given me the tool to do the stretches that I need to counter the tightness from the megaformer. & the megaformer has made me stronger in my practice to hold my inversions & such. It works both ways & I love it.
What sort of music do you like? What 3 songs are on repeat?
Well, I think most people will think I am boring. I listen to yoga mantras when I do listen to music. I don’t walk around with my airpods in my ears because I want to listen to my surroundings. The chant that I listen on repeat - Hanuman Chalisa.
What’s your favourite thing to do in your downtime?
I like to play my harmonium & chant.
You don’t have to do too much or work too hard, you don’t have to jump or be fast, you can always walk.